Hikmatul Aliyah, Rinnanik Rinnanik



Even if their area of operation is limited, microbusinesses are crucial for a nation's economy to function properly since they can absorb labor and have a lot of room for growth. Even if they have a micro coverage, MSMEs are able to increase job prospects and are able to generate revenue, especially for the impoverished, thanks to their ability to grow and flourish on a tiny scale in all regions. There are a total of 28 microbusiness owners in the sewing services sector in the Sukadana market village, East Lampung Regency, similar to the number of tailoring microbusinesses there. Simple surveys and observations made by the researchers revealed numerous challenges. encountered by tailors, including the amount of fierce competition and the requirement to stay current with the newest styles and trends.

Due to this, the author is concerned about the question of whether there are any social or creative barriers to the success of the penjahit operation in Pasar Sukadana, Lampung Province. With the goal of understanding and analyzing the social and creative aspects of the keberlangsungan usaha penjahit in the Pasar Sukadana district of Lampung Province.

Keywords: Business Continuity, Social Capital, MSME business

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