Septiana Mar’atus Sholikhah, Yoeyong Rahsel



The purpose of this study is to determine how business value is impacted by dividend policy, and debt policy. Besides figuring out whether company size can enhance the impact of profitability, debt management, and dividend management on firm value. Moderate regression analysis is the research methodology used in this study (MRA). Theoretically, after including the moderation component, this method is suitable for hiding the effect variable. The findings of this study suggest that firm value is influenced by characteristics such as debt policy, and dividend policy. The impact of profitability on company value can be mitigated by business size, but dividend and debt policies have unavoidable drawbacks. The addition of firm size as a moderating variable, which is believed to strengthen or weaken the relationship between the profitability, debt policy, and firm worth are all related to dividend policy.

Keywords: Dividend Policy, Debt Policy, Firm Value, Financial Behavior

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