Social Sciences Review and Humanities (2828-3686) is managed by HAQI Publishing Service. It is an open-access online scientific journal. It publishes original scientific outputs. Recognized internationally as the leading peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original papers, it serves as a forum for practical approaches to improve quality on issues pertaining to science and engineering and its related fields. Social Sciences Review and Humanities was published regularly twice a year, in February and August.
Social Sciences Review and Humanities features original research papers, research/dissertation summary, and book review. We welcome a manuscript that is an unpublished paper and not ongoing processed at other publications from scholars, policymakers, experts, practitioners, and students. Social Sciences Review and Humanities aims to create connections and build bridges, particularly between different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, as well as across regional boundaries and academic parochialism. Social Sciences Review and Humanities will publish rigorous papers that significantly enhance scholarship through the exploitation of new data, the development and application of theory, and/or through original and scholarly analysis of a salient policy issue.
Social Sciences Review and Humanities is indexed at:

Notice: Journal Indexed at ICI Copernicus |
To All Journal Authors, Contributors, and Readers, We are pleased to inform you that our journal has been successfully indexed in ICI Copernicus. This indexation is an important achievement in our efforts to increase the visibility and accessibility of the journal to the academic and research community. ICI Copernicus (Index Copernicus International) is the leading international indexation platform, which allows scientific articles to be indexed and accessed by researchers from various disciplines. Indexation at ICI Copernicus will help increase the exposure of articles published in our journal, as well as broaden the range of readers and researchers interested in the topics covered. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of our service and journal content, as well as maintaining high academic standards in every published article. This success is inseparable from the contribution, hard work, and support of all writers, contributors, and the editorial team. We thank you for your participation in developing this journal and hope that indexation at ICI Copernicus will provide greater benefits for the development of science and research. Thank you for your concern and support. Best regards, |
Posted: 2023-08-07 | |
Call for Papers |
Social Sciences Review and Humanities invites scholars, academicians and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue. All submissions can be made in *.doc or *.docx format. Also see Social Sciences Review and Humanities author guidelines and focus and scope. Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis and there is no deadline for submission. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please submit your manuscript online (Click Here). |
Posted: 2022-02-14 | |
Use Reference Manager Software |
Dear author, to improve the quality of your article, please consider to use reference manager, such as Mendeley. The number of references should be more than 20 references and 80% should from journal articles. It will help us to improve the quality of the publication and give a better impact for language, language teaching, linguistics, literarture and art Thank you for your cinsideration. |
Posted: 2022-02-14 | |
Submission Status |
Your submission is categorized into two: Active and Archived Submission. Active submission means that your submitted manuscript will be subjected to the review process. If your submission status is Archived, it means that your manuscript is declined. Please, notice your submission status. | |
Posted: 2022-02-14 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 3, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Hanafi Malik, Juwita Wirta Sri Depi, Kendall Malik, Ferry Fernando
1 - 11
Sakinah Septiana Azri, Yulia Sri Hartati, Emil Septia
12 - 18
Ahmad Rifai, Zulfa Zulfa, Juliandry Kurniawan Junaidi
19 - 26
Faradilla Jenny Aulya, Inoki Ulma Tiara, Waza Karia Akbar
27 - 37
Wen Jia, Xu Wenying, Zhao Yaling, Luo Chunyan
38 - 49