Author Fees

Bee Review Journal an Open Access journal. At Bee Review Journal, we guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles of the journal.

To cover the cost of publication and Open Access, the journal depends on Article Publication Charges (APC), also called Publication Fees. APC are due when a manuscript has been accepted for publication.

There is NO SUBMISSION charge. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, journal collect following Article Publication Charge:

  1. 40 USD for foreign and 400,000 IDR for domestic. (From non-sponsored researchers).
  2. 75 USD for foreign and 750,000 IDR for domestic (From funded/sponsored researchers).
  3. Journal fee for printed version is charged IDR 50.000/exemplar. Copy of printed journal will be delivered if the transfer evidence has been received. 
  4. For Conference Special issue, see at contact