Citizen: Journal of Research and Community Service
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Citizen: Journal of Research and Community Service (xxxx-xxxx) is a peer-reviewed journal published by HAQI Publishing Service, Indonesia. It is in the national and international level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services, development, strengthening, and empowerment. Issues are published biannual (March and September) in English. Submissions are open year-around.
This journal accepts articles on research results in the fields of development, empowerment, and community strengthening and the results of activities or practical implementations of community service, empowerment, or strengthening that are problem-solving, comprehensive, meaningful, and sustainable, with clear goals. Various community service and empowerment activities must have novelty (have innovation and creativity) so that they do not just replicate the same activities in different places, have measurable results and impacts on society, and support the achievement of the goals set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are a global action plan agreed by world leaders, to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets, so that each article must be linked to these goals and targets (as stated in the contribution statement). Therefore, the Citizen: Journal of Research and Community Service accepts the articles from Indonesian authors and other countries that have not been offered for publication elsewhere.

International Journal of Natural Products
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Journal title | International Journal of Natural Products (IJNP) |
Initials | IJNP |
Abbreviation | IJNP |
ISSN | xxxx-xxxx |
Frequency | 4 issues per year |
DOI | prefix https://doi.org/10.51817 |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Ferid Abdulhafiz (Scopus ID: 57202816049), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan |
Managing Editor | Rival Yuhendri, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan |
Publisher | HAQI Publishing Service |
International Journal of Natural Products (IJNP) is devoted to the rapid publication of papers on all areas of natural products research including isolation, structural and stereo chemical determination, biosynthesis, biological activity and synthesis. Publish by HAQI Publishing Service, this journal is an open-access online scientific journal. The scope of the journal includes chemistry and/or biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds or the biology of living systems from which they are obtained. Articles published in the journal describe secondary metabolites of microorganisms, animals, and higher and lower plants. All contributions shall be rigorously refereed and selecting on the basis of quality and originality of the work as well as the breadth of interest to readers. The journal publishes the most significant new research in all phases of macromolecules being done in the world today, thus ensuring its scientific priority. In addition to original, full-length refereed contributions presenting new research and developments in the field, the journal also publishes short communications/ notes and review papers authored by leading authorities.
Bisnis Indonesia: Journal of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship
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Current Issue
Bisnis Indonesia: Journal of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship
Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Human: Journal of Community and Public Service
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Human: Journal of Community and Public Service (2830-0203) is a peer-reviewed journal published by HAQI Publishing Service, Indonesia. It is in the national and international level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services, development, strengthening, and empowerment. Issues are published biannual (June and Desember) in English. Submissions are open year-around.
This journal accepts articles on research results in the fields of development, empowerment, and community strengthening and the results of activities or practical implementations of community service, empowerment, or strengthening that are problem-solving, comprehensive, meaningful, and sustainable, with clear goals. Various community service and empowerment activities must have novelty (have innovation and creativity) so that they do not just replicate the same activities in different places, have measurable results and impacts on society, and support the achievement of the goals set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are a global action plan agreed by world leaders, to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets, so that each article must be linked to these goals and targets (as stated in the contribution statement). Therefore, the Human: Journal of Community and Public Service accepts the articles from Indonesian authors and other countries that have not been offered for publication elsewhere.
Bee Review Journal
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Bee Review Journal contains original articles and regular features. It welcomes submissions on all aspects of beekeeping and all species of bees worldwide. Bee review Journal was founded in 2003 published by HAQI Publishing Service .
Bee Review Journal acts as a bridge between today's beekeepers and bee scientists, encouraging two-way discussions. We strive for engaging content that draws in our readers. We welcome articles that place new research into a broader context and include background information. If you participated in interesting field research, please transport us there. We encourage authors to avoid jargon and communicate using a more conversational approach than typically found in peer-reviewed journals. This journal accepts the following article types: original research articles; historical reviews; interviews; pictorial pieces.

Sport and Health Review Journal
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Sport and Health Review Journal (SHR) is a peer-reviewed, international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the advancement of sport, exercise, physical activity, and health sciences. Sport and Health Review Journal publishes original and impactful research, topical reviews, editorials, opinion, and commentary papers relating physical and mental health, injury and disease prevention, traditional Chinese exercise, and human performance. Through a distinguished, carefully selected international editorial board, Sport and Health Review Journal has adopted the highest academic standards, impeccable integrity, and an efficient publication platform.ssues are published biannual (June and December) in English. Submissions are open year-around.
Fields of particular interest to the journal include (but are not limited to):
- Sport and exercise medicine
- Injury prevention and clinical rehabilitation
- Sport and exercise physiology
- Public Health Promotion
- Physical activity epidemiology
- Biomechanics and motor behavior
- Sport and exercise biochemistry and nutrition
- Sport and exercise psychology
- Exercise and brain health
- Physical education
- Traditional Chinese sports, exercise and health

Social Sciences Review and Humanities
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Social Sciences Review and Humanities (2828-3686) is managed by HAQI Publishing Service. It is an open-access online scientific journal. It publishes original scientific outputs. Recognized internationally as the leading peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original papers, it serves as a forum for practical approaches to improve quality on issues pertaining to science and engineering and its related fields. Social Sciences Review and Humanities was published regularly twice a year, in February and August.
Social Sciences Review and Humanities features original research papers, research/dissertation summary, and book review. We welcome a manuscript that is an unpublished paper and not ongoing processed at other publications from scholars, policymakers, experts, practitioners, and students. Social Sciences Review and Humanities aims to create connections and build bridges, particularly between different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, as well as across regional boundaries and academic parochialism. Social Sciences Review and Humanities will publish rigorous papers that significantly enhance scholarship through the exploitation of new data, the development and application of theory, and/or through original and scholarly analysis of a salient policy issue.
Social Sciences Review and Humanities is indexed at:
Journal of Asian Studies: Culture, Language, Art and Communications
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JoSee - Journal of Software Engineering
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JOSee - Journal of Software Engineering published by HAQI Publishing Service focuses on publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the current issues related to information technology, software engineering and computing algorithms. The main objective of JOSee - Journal of Software Engineering is to provide a platform for the international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields. Issues are published biannual (June and October). Submissions are open year-around.